{"version":3,"file":"kokabo.min.js","names":[],"sources":["../../../../../../kokabo/core/es6/kokabo/kokabo.js"],"sourcesContent":["// Kokabo JavaScript library ES6.\n// Author: Benoit Pereira da Silva\n// License: MIT\n// Version: 2.0.0\n// Description: A JavaScript library to communicate using the Kokabo (including RPC protocol over Websockets).\n// It is a simple and efficient Event Oriented implementation.\n// When Websockets are not available, you can interact with Go backend via its REST API.\n// It comes with a simple logging facility and a set of utilities.\n// It is designed to be used in the browser.\n//\n// Main classes :\n// - HubEvent: A custom Bidirectional event dispatched by or to a Hub instance.\n// - Hub: A bidirectional communication channel (relying on WebSocket) and respecting the Kokabo RPC protocol.\n// - Hubs: A class that manages Hub instances.\n// - Log: A simple logging facility that can log to the console or to an HTML element.\n// - Utils: A set of utilities.\n// - RestApi: A class that provides a simple REST API client for Kokabo's api.\n// - Popups: A class to deal with browser windows popups.\n\n\nimport {SecurityAgent} from \"./security/SecurityAgent.js\";\nimport {SecurityPolicy, DefaultSecurityPolicy, OptOutE2EESecurityPolicy} from \"./security/SecurityPolicy.js\";\nimport {Hub, HubEvent} from \"./rpc/Hub.js\";\nimport {Hubs} from \"./rpc/Hubs.js\";\n\nimport {Log} from \"./utils/Log.js\";\nimport {Utils} from \"./utils/Utils.js\";\nimport {Popups} from \"./utils/Popups.js\";\n\n\nexport {SecurityAgent, SecurityPolicy, DefaultSecurityPolicy, OptOutE2EESecurityPolicy, HubEvent, Hub, Hubs, Log, Utils, Popups};"],"mappings":""}